About Us
To become the best and safest transportation service of choice for parents. We want to make transportation affordable in order to meet the needs of parents. We will build a strong relationship with parents by providing safe, reliable, and affordable transportation for their children in our community.
The Owners
Michael & Jo Ann Woods
Michael and Jo Ann Woods live in the Shadow Creek Ranch community. We are parents and grandparents. Our grandchildren attend schools in this community. We are very involved in our school system, so we understand the need for a safe and reliable transportation service in the community. When our children were young, they were involved in several activities before and after school. We were their only tranportation to and from activities. We know how stressful it can be when you are trying to get your child to and from a location in a timely manner.

Transporting Together
Living in the community, we know that Alvin ISD transportation system does not offer pick up or drop off service for students that resides within 2 miles from their school of attendance based upon their home address. Due to this reason, Transporting Together Transportation was formed. It allows those parents needing a safe reliable transportation for their children to and from school. What makes us different than others? We are parents, we are grandparents and we have experienced the need for this service. We treat your kids like royalty with our service. We love the personal relationship we have established with those who live in our community. We are a community based company. Our company is community focused and here to meet those needs, by offering the most safest, reliable and affordable Student Transportation Service in our community!
We are here for you!